My thanks to the registered users who have helped with this new release both by suggesting improvements and by testing beta versions. Thanks to them, this latest version is the best yet.
If you read the accompanying text file that shows version history, you will realise that this programme is GOING PLACES. Each new release adds major function. Some of the function is innovative enough that even sysops who do not operate remotely will find it indispensible (for instance, see "Gather"!; see list and search across groups of filelists - for users, too!; see "Bad characters"!)
What's coming next? I have so many ideas that I don't know where to start. You can help by letting me know what you need.
The equivalent of fifty cents a week and after only twelve months it's free for life! And that includes all the good stuff that's coming. That's one way of looking at the registration fee.
Or another way: we are going places with this programme. Wouldn't you like to join the team and be a part of the action? Think about it.
P.S. You can see Rolfe in action if you call the BBS that I sysop. It's called the Arkon BBS and it's telephone number is (416) 593 7460.